
Ton of BRICS? Putin defies West with global summit
Ton of BRICS? Putin defies West with global summit

Ton of BRICS? Putin defies West with global summit

It's been not too shabby a week so far for Russia’s leader of 24 years, sandwiched between a Moldova referendum where the pro-EU camp underwhelmed and a crucial general election in fellow…
4 months ago
China, US, Russia vie for influence at ASEAN summit
China, US, Russia vie for influence at ASEAN summit

China, US, Russia vie for influence at ASEAN summit

Top diplomats from China, the US and Russia have attended the ASEAN summit of Southeast Asian countries as special guests. The powers have been vying for geopolitical influence in the region, with…
7 months ago

Top Managers on the Active Outlook

Michelle Seitz, chairman and chief executive officer of Russell Investments, and Jean Raby, chief executive officer of Natixis Investment Managers, discuss how asset managers are grappling passive investing trends with Bloomberg's Caroline…
7 years ago