Scientists develop a way of communicating with patients who are totally paralysed and unable to talk by measuring the blood oxygen levels in their brains to decipher their thoughts.…
Scientists develop a synthetic molecule that has been shown to increase the size and starch content of wheat grains in the lab by up to 20 per cent, with possibly significant implications…
A new NASA-funded database of satellite images and data allows scientists to more accurately predict sea level rises by tracking the velocity of glaciers and ice sheets in near real-time.…
Ocean levels are rising due to change in temperature of the arctic and monitors of the trend say we should all be concerned. Scientists worry that if the issue of climate change…
Scientists identify the first known example of fossilised brain tissue from a dinosaur, and say it resembles the brains of modern-day crocodiles and birds.…
Scientists in Britain hope a simple blood test could one day act as a 'smoke alarm' for early detection of cancer by spotting mutated blood cells that could indicate the disease at…
An E. coli detection kit that allows users to detect the deadly disease quickly while at the water source, rather than in a laboratory, has been developed by Canadian scientists.…
The next great leap for smart phone technology could be screens that shape-shift into tactile and fully operational controls, according to researchers in Britain.…
Scientists in Singapore have created a building inspection robot that is said to be more objective and thorough than their human counterpart, while getting the job done in half the time.…