Trump hustled away when protester rushes stage Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is rushed to safety when a man rushes the stage while he was speaking in Reno, Nevada.… 8 years ago by Abiodun Ogundairo
Everything broken can be fixed – Donald Trump Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump tells supporters all the country's problems can be fixed if they 'tune out...the cynics.'… 8 years ago News·World
Trump ‘troubled’ by latest US police shootings Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump says he is 'troubled' by the recent police shootings in Carolina and Tulsa.… 8 years ago News·World
Hackers and whistleblowers, Clinton’s health and Trumps ‘birther’ theory [ooyala code=”tldmp4NTE6_lZ5OAODqnkrSIzH97cOVg” player_id=”1b17bdeb76cb4ac7b9d901fad6010bb6″ width=”1280″ height=”720″ auto=”true”]… 8 years ago News·World
‘No more Mr. Nice Guy’ – Trump Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says he's 'taking the gloves off' in the presidential race, saying, 'no more Mr. Nice Guy.'… 9 years ago News·World