Air Force deploys special forces to restore peace in the area The Nigerian Airforce has deployed special forces to the troubled Southern Kaduna to restore peace in the area.… 5 years ago by Abiodun Ogundairo
Nigerian Air Force upgrades Alpha Jets The Nigerian Airforce has upgraded its Alpha Jets to help in its fight against the insurgency in the northeast.… 5 years ago National·News
Airforce launches Operation ”Na Zo” in Kaduna The Nigerian Airforce has launched ''Operation Na Zo'' in Kaduna state to curb the rising insecurity in the state.… 5 years ago National·News
UK Military trains Nigerian Airforce personnel in Kaduna UK Military trains Nigerian Airforce personnel in Kaduna.… 8 years ago National·News
UK trains Nigerian Airforce on counter-terrorism The UK trains Nigerian Airforce on counter-terrorism.… 8 years ago National·News
Nigerian Airforce seeks more support from US [ooyala code=”V4cmFzODE6v6nW4Rb0ezj1sUZ1dpI_q8″ player_id=”1b17bdeb76cb4ac7b9d901fad6010bb6″ width=”1280″ height=”720″ auto=”true”]… 8 years ago National·News
Airforce strikes Boko Haram base in Borno [ooyala code=”55YnhuNTE6sjuYlL38bDxMZ39yox9NHi” player_id=”1b17bdeb76cb4ac7b9d901fad6010bb6″ width=”1280″ height=”720″ auto=”true”]… 9 years ago National·News