Prime Minister Modi has made an unexpected stop at a Sikh temple in New Delhi. His visit comes as angry farmers — many of them Sikh — are protesting laws they claim…
We take a look ongoing protests in India against PM Narendra Modi's controversial agricultural reform plans. For some editorialists, the now two-week-long protests should force the Indian government into rethinking future changes.…
Three workers, including a local youth wing leader, for India's Hindu-nationalist BJP were killed in Kashmir. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi condemned the attack on his party's members.…
China says it does not want to see any more clashes on the border with India after fighting that killed at least 20 Indian soldiers. Meanwhile, India is awaiting the response of…
Days of deadly riots in New Delhi have pitted Hindus against their Muslim neighbours, in the worst sectarian violence to hit the Indian capital in decades. How did we get here? And…
While the visiting US President was hailing Indian Prime Minister Modi as a "defender of religious freedom", lynch mobs were gearing up for a third night of rioting, the worst Delhi's seen…
Police officers detain protesters in buses and police vans as they demonstrate in New Delhi against a citizenship law considered anti-Muslim. Twenty-seven people have died in two weeks of at times violent…
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has refused to give in to the demands of tens of thousands of protesters opposing a controversial citizenship law. The country's top court refused to stall the…
Since the COP21 climate conference in Paris in 2015, India has wanted to emerge as a major player in the fight against climate change and is betting on a transition to clean energy.…