Wednesday, 24th April 2024


16 Apr
More than a million people, including children, have fled their homes in the volatile Central Africa Republic to Cameroon. Not all have given up hope.
19 Dec
Defense Minister Boris Pistorius says an agreement on the permanent deployment of a German brigade in NATO member Lithuania is a "historic moment."
25 Nov
Rainfall is becoming increasingly acidic due to carbon dioxide emissions, but farmers in Northern Tanzania have found an organic method to neutralize it. They mix ash into the soil to counter the acidity that is a problem especially in the rainy season.


2 hours ago
Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuede, the Chairman of Access Holdings says the move by the group to raise $1.5 billion over five years reflects the financial institutions growth plans. Speaking with CNBC Africa's Kenneth Igbomor, Aig-Imoukhuede reiterates that the decision for a rights issue was in line with the role of its shareholders in the growth of the bank over the years.
2 hours ago
Infusions, anti-aging creams or anti-stress drops made from cannabis are some of the food supplements that Morocco will begin to market imminently and that are already on display at the International Agriculture Exhibition (SIAM) inaugurated this Monday, after legalization of this plant in 2021 for pharmaceutical and industrial uses.
2 hours ago
Since 2015, the number of malaria cases worldwide have stalled and ― in some areas, they're even increasing. That's after two decades of falling numbers. What's going on?
1 day ago
Find these stories and much more when you grab a copy of The Guardian on Wednesday.
1 day ago
The heat of the Premier League title race is on and big games are coming this midweek. Arsenal at the Emirates will take on Chelsea, Everton will entertain Liverpool, and Manchester City will be up against Brighton. Ayomide Sotunbo and Hogan Niyi preview the games in this week's edition of The Nutmeg.
1 day ago
Turkey's president Recep Tayyp Erdogan was in Iraq this Monday - his first official visit in years, where he signed a raft of deals to try and reset rocky relations. High on the agenda was the water issue, stemming from Turkey's construction of dams on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers that reduced the supply downstream to Iraq.