November 21, 2024

Curbing the menace of open defecation in Lagos State
Curbing the menace of open defecation in Lagos State

Curbing the menace of open defecation in Lagos State

Lagos has long been celebrated for its vibrant spirit and growth. Yet, despite the commendations, a pressing challenge lurks in the background: open defecation and urination.…
3 months ago
Mali's PM fired after criticizing prolonged junta rule
Mali's PM fired after criticizing prolonged junta rule

Mali’s PM fired after criticizing prolonged junta rule

Mali's Prime Minister Choguel Maiga has been fired, state television ORTM said on Wednesday of the civilian who criticized the ruling junta's failure to organize elections within a promised 24-month transition back…
3 months ago
Ford looking to cut thousands of jobs in Europe
Ford looking to cut thousands of jobs in Europe

Ford looking to cut thousands of jobs in Europe

Most of the jobs Ford intends to cut will be in Germany with some 2,900 layoffs expected. The US carmaker urged Berlin to set a "clear policy agenda" to promote electric cars…
3 months ago