Apple apologizes for iPhone batteries and performance Apple Inc. apologized to customers for software changes that reduced the performance of older iPhones in order to extend their battery life.… 7 years ago Business·News
Soccer star wins Liberian presidential election Former soccer star George Weah has won Liberia's presidential election, setting up the first peaceful transfer of power for the western African nation since 1944.… 7 years ago Africa·News
Wildfire rages in Spain’s Mallorca – eyewitness Wildfire rages in Spain's Mallorca - eyewitness… 7 years ago News·World
Japanese ‘folding’ car could solve parking space problem Finding a parking space may soon become much easier thanks to a car that can fold itself up and squeeze into small spaces, as Stuart McDill reports.… 7 years ago Science & Tech
Two Saudi Princes said to be freed from Ritz-Carlton Bloomberg's Riad Hamade reports on the release of two Saudi princes from a hotel as part of the kingdom's crackdown on corruption.… 7 years ago News·World